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Ultrasound Courses

Faculty Led By:


Dr. J.S. Randhawa

Fellowship in Ultrasound and Echocardiography from Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA. Consultant Radiologist & Sonologist


Dr. Randhawa founded the Institute of Ultrasound Training at New Delhi in 2000, which has the honor of being the ONLY center in India to be given recognition by Indian Medical Association for training doctors in ultrasound. The Institute of Ultrasound Training is the only private affiliate education center of Jefferson Ultrasound Research & Education Institute, Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA.  The Jefferson Ultrasound Research & Education Institute is the only center in the world recognized by World.


Dr. Sonal Randhawa

has a Fellowship in Ultrasound & Echocardiography from the Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA.

She was responsible to organize eight Annual National level conferences in Ultrasound to date. She is an organizer and faculty for multiple workshops in Ultrasound, Color Doppler, Fetal Echo & Adult Echo in New Delhi and various other cities of India. She is Faculty in Dubai for Dubai Health Authority accredited training in Ultrasound, Doppler & Echocardiography Courses.

She is a consistent lecturer in various ultrasound meets and National level conferences. Dr. Sonal is very skilled in ObGyne, Abdominal & Breast Sonography & Doppler Trainings.

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