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1st Eurasian Perinatology

Dubai Congress

We proudly announce that the "1st Eurasian Perinatology Dubai Congress" in Dubai, UAE was a huge success!

We are looking forward to the next Eurasian Perinatology Congress.

Stay tuned for more information!

The conference is aimed at preventing Birth Asphyxia and strengthening bond between the societies along with exchange of academics with a few lighter topics to add spice to the program.

The special attractions of the program touches upon the themes of the conference:
1. Masters class on Cardiotocograph

2. Workshop on Fetal Dopplers
3. Workshop on Neonatal Resuscitation

Download our attached Invitation Brochure below to see more!

Eurasian Perinatology Dubai Congress
1st Eurasian Perinatology Dubai Congress

Dates: February 3-4, 2018 (DONE)

Course Fee: $300 USD

Download our Invitation Brochure
Glances of the Conference! 
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